Ep 008: Listen to Your Body! Vegan Diet and Healthy Eating -- with Christine LaDuca


Christine LaDuca

with Dr. Yishan Xu



Christine LaDuca decided to embark on a vegan lifestyle in 2015 after becoming passionate about animal welfare and the environment. It became crystal clear to her that what we put in our bodies directly affects our daily lives, not just physically but emotionally as well. She’s an avid runner, having completed many races to benefit animal advocacy groups and farm animal sanctuaries. She lives in New York City as an insurance broker, actor and singer.


When to eat what to eat, listen to the signals our body gives us.

Not all vegan diet is healthy. Choosing a type of diet does not mean you are choosing healthy eating.

Everything is connected in our body:

  • What we put in our body, impacts our work, sleep, nutrition, etc.

  • When we eat poorly, it may impact our sleep length and restfulness.

  • When we are sleep deprived, we may feel irritable and eat impulsively up to several days afterwards.

  • When we starve ourselves (e.g., eating disorder), our body may keep us awake in the middle of the night.

People takes cares of children and others better, but not themselves.

It is possible to retrain our brain and body to build a healthier mental connection, e.g., link food with joy, link bed with relaxation.


You can find Christine and her two dogs, Dominic and Gracie on Instagram @nottheshoes.

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