Ep057: Can My Poor Sleeping Habits Make Me Fat? Sam's Story of a Life Transformation!



2:02 How did you get interested in sleep?

2:54 What made you want to change your sleep habits?

7:08 Why was your sleep disrupted?

11:37 How did you change your sleep habits?

16:02 How did your sleep habits affect your metabolism?

21:41 How does momentum help you change your sleep habits?

24:21 How did improve your sleep habits encourage you to change your career?

30:12 What can we learn from the habits of entrepreneurs?

32:36 What is the secret behind happiness?

35:53 How fast will I see improvement in my life when I change my sleep habits?

37:02 What are the dangers of ignoring the health warning signs?

38:39 What part does cortisol play?


Sam Xia, a Speech-Language Pathologist and Grant Cardone Global Licensee.

After moving to the United States from China with only $300 in his pocket, Sam Xia quickly rose through the ranks to become a world-renowned, board-certified speech-language pathologist (as recognized by the American Speech and Hearing Association).

Since his transition in 2009, Sam has helped hundreds of entrepreneurs, professionals, and executives perfect the American accent. With over 15 years of experience, Sam is the trusted name to know for accent reprogramming and cultural mastery.


After changing his sleep habits, Sam Lost 40lb, quitted his full-time job, and started his own business. Now, he is not only healthier, but happier, and have more time with his family. What did he discover in this journey? Listen to find out more.

  • Can changing your sleep habits improve your health?

  • Will I gain weight if I am sleep deprived?

  • What’s wrong with hitting the snooze button?

  • How can I improve my sleep habits?


Sam’s website