Ep171: Navigating Sleep Challenges: A Parent's Guide to Helping Children Achieve Restful Nights with Michelle Tangeman


"Sleep problems can manifest in various ways, from bedtime battles to frequent waking up at night or early mornings. Each family's situation is unique, so it's important to address the specific issues your child is facing."

Did you know that according to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, a significant portion of children face sleep disturbances? In fact, 25-30% of infants experience sleep problems, with 40% of children encountering difficulties in early childhood! This rate is even higher for children with autism spectrum or ADHD. That's why it's crucial for parents to tackle sleep disruptions proactively.

Here are three key takeaways from this episode to help parents support their child's sleep journey:

- Prioritize both your child's and your own sleep. Sleep challenges affect not only your child but also your mental and physical well-being as parents. Taking care of yourself is essential to providing effective support to your child.

- Understand the behavioral factors influencing your child's sleep. Factors like their sleep environment and your approach as a caregiver play crucial roles in sleep difficulties. By making adjustments and creating a conducive sleep environment, you can set the stage for better sleep.

- Adjust sleep schedules and prioritize bedtime routine. Making sleep a priority means adjusting daytime sleep and nap schedules to promote an earlier bedtime. Remember, falling asleep in the car can disrupt nighttime sleep, so minimizing car napping might be beneficial.

So, if you're a parent looking to help your child sleep soundly or simply interested in learning more about the world of sleep, this episode with Michelle Tangeman is a must-listen! Michelle is a Behavioral Health as a child and family therapist, she served as a Clinical Manager for STAR of CA where she oversaw a clinical team providing children’s behavioral treatment programs. She also has extensive experience in individualized behavior intervention, she's also a podcast host and the co-founder of the Parenting Understood podcast. Tune in now and equip yourself with valuable insights to enhance your child's sleep experience.

"Sleep is like a fingerprint, unique to each individual. By understanding the factors that enhance its quality, parents can help their children sleep better." - Michelle Tangeman

Are you so sleepy that you cannot focus? Are you tired of getting through the day drinking coffee? Are you worried how your poor sleep may impact your health? Checkout Dr. Yishan Xu’s Insomnia Treatment Course! 


1. Introduction (00:00)

2. Importance of Quality Sleep (02:30)

3. Understanding Sleep Problems (05:15)

4. Impact on Parents and Children (08:40)

5. Behavioral Factors and Environment (12:20)

6. Self-Care for Parents (16:10)

7. Individualizing Sleep Solutions (19:45)

8. Prioritizing Sleep and Adjusting Schedules (23:10)

9. Avoiding Car Naps (27:15)

10. Conclusion and Final Thoughts (30:00)


Are you so sleepy that you cannot focus? Are you tired of getting through the day drinking coffee? Are you worried how your poor sleep may impact your health? Checkout Dr. Yishan Xu’s Insomnia Treatment Course! 

Connect with Dr. Yishan

Connect with Michelle Tangeman

  • https://michelletangeman.com/about-me/

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