Ep067: End the Year Right by Sleeping Tight!
Yishan Xu, PhD, DBSMsleep quality, melatonin, sleep hours, nap, napping, sleeping, new year, good sleep
Ep066: Tis the Season to Eat Healthy!
Yishan Xu, PhD, DBSMhealthy eating, healthy breakfast, weight gain, fit, holiday eating, processed food, fresh food, breakfast, fat, sleep quality, lose weight
Ep065: Sleep Right or Stay Fat? - with Arlene Santiago
Yishan Xu, PhD, DBSMweight gain, obesity, sleep quality, poor sleep, stress, fit, lose weight, gain weight, healthy eating, fat, sleep and fat
Ep064: Sex and Sleep: A 2 Way Relationship - with Dr. Blair
Yishan Xu, PhD, DBSMsleep, sleep apnea, libido, sex, orgasms, sleep quality, sex therapy, sexual wellness, sexual desires, stress
Ep063: The Thin Line Between Chronic Pain and Sleep Disorder - with Dr. Baughn
Ep062: Napping: There Is More Than Meets the Eye
Ep061: ADHD: Disability or Super Ability? with Diann Wingert
Ep060: Invisible Disability: How to Live With Narcolepsy with Iris Lorena
Ep059: What Sleep Paralysis Feels Like and What We Can Do?--with Ryan Hurd
Ep058: What will happen to our metabolism system after nights of poor sleep?--with Dr. Benedict
Ep057: Can My Poor Sleeping Habits Make Me Fat? Sam's Story of a Life Transformation!
Ep056: Insomnia is NOT Sleep Loss?! -- with Dr. Grandner
Dr. Yishan Xuinsomnia, sleep deprivation, sleep loss, power nap, caffeine, sleep, health, productivity, improve productivity, CBT-I
Ep055: How Can Your Dreams and Nightmares Help You? Let's Talk about Lucid Dreaming!--with Lee Adams
Ep054: Recover from Keeping the Secret of Losing a Loved One to Suicide?--with Michelle
Dr. Yishan Xugrief, loss, stigma, suicide, suicide prevention awareness month, healing, recovery, mental health, bipolar disorder, depression, shame
Ep053: Can Your Dentist Treat Your Sleep Apnea? --Dr. Kent Smith
Dr. Yishan Xudental device, oral appliance, dentist, OSA, sleep apnea, CPAP, sleep disorders, diabete, heart disease, dental sleep medicine
Ep051 & 052: Dr. David Burns -- Perfectionism? Imposter syndrome? How to Decrease Your Anxiety and Bring More Joy to Your Life!
Ep050: Sleep and Mental Health, A Healing Journey--Non's Story!
Ep049: Better sleep, better work productivity! Tips for being more efficient while working from home.
Ep048: Nighttime fear? How to help a scary child to sleep on her own? --with Dr. Kushnir
Ep047: A girl with dyslexia growing into a teacher--Anna's story